Spirastad Plus

Spirastad Plus Sử dụng ở phụ nữ có thai & cho con bú

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Use In Pregnancy & Lactation
Pregnancy: Spiramycin has been known to cross the placenta, but concentration in fetal blood was lower than in maternal blood. Although there are no any evidence studies of fetal toxicity and teratogenicity, because there are no adequate and well-controlled studies to use of spiramycin in pregnant women or childbirth, spiramycin should not be used for pregnancy, unless there is no alternative therapy and careful monitor should be advised.
Metronidazole readily crosses the placental barrier and attaining a cord maternal plasma ratio similar. Although thousands of pregnant women have been given the drug during pregnancy, evidence of teratogenicity have never been reported. However, in some of the studies there has been an increased risk of teratogenicity particularly when the drug was used during the first trimester. Therefore, metronidazole should be avoided during early pregnancy unless the condition of the patient makes it necessary for its use.
It is advisable to avoid taking Spirastad Plus during pregnancy. If the patient discovers that she is pregnant while taking this drug, consult the physician if she should continue taking this drug or not.
Lactation: Spiramycin appears in breast milk in high concentrations. Caution should be exercised when spiramycin is administered to nursing women.
Excretion of metronidazole into breast milk is rapid, and nursed babies may get plasma levels about 15% of that of the mother. Nursing should be stopped temporarily during treatment with metronidazole.
Taking Spirastad Plus should be avoided during lactation.
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